Yes you can recieve mail sent to anything This is not normally recomended because spammers will send spam to random email addresses If you set it up so you recieve * spammers can send mail to and you’ll recieve that email. As a result that’s not the default setting and it’s not recommended.
That said if you want to set this up you can. Here’s how:
Login to your hosting control panel (cPanel) and click default address in the mail section.
The recommended setting is “Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)” And the message is “No Such User Here”.
This means a sender who sends mail to a non existing email address will get an email failure (bounce) email back with the error message “No Such User Here”. This is the recommended option to prevent spam.
If you for some reason want to receive this email choose the forward to email address option and put in the email address you want this mail sent to.